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“The customs, values, and behaviors that are accepted by a particular group, culture, and community”

Mores Strategics is a strategic consultant specializes in data analysis, technology, and ethnographic research. We work with tailored approach by establishing strong strategic partnership and adapting our framework to fit our client needs, goals, and capacity. We seek for creative strategy that is grounded in analytics and customs in the community

We believe that localʼs customs is a fundamental aspect in strategy development. Our strategic advice aims to bring long-lasting positive impact to stakeholders and the community, and sustains good relationship between all involved parties. Therefore, understanding localʼs perspective and behavior is at the forefront of our operation

Creative thinking is where the problem-solving began. Combined with a strong understanding of the real situation, reliable data, and viable methods, we can introduce a new strategy without disrupting the existing process.

Our Team

M. Ilham Fauzi

M. Ilham Fauzi

Director & Partner

Darmastyo Wicaktomo Sudarto

Darmastyo Wicaktomo Sudarto

Director & Partners

Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas

Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas

Senior Advisor

S. Kunto Abdi Wibowo

S. Kunto Abdi Wibowo

Senior Partners

Achmad Ghazali

Achmad Ghazali

Senior Partners

Much. Nurachmad

Much. Nurachmad


Lutfi Adam

Lutfi Adam


Justito Adi Prasetio

Justito Adi Prasetio


Detta Rachmawan

Detta Rachmawan

Senior Consultant

Amelia Pertiwi

Amelia Pertiwi


B Samudra Harimurti

B Samudra Harimurti


Panji Arief Sumirat

Panji Arief Sumirat


Indriyani Syafitri

Indriyani Syafitri


Muhammad Naufal

Muhammad Naufal


Teddy Kurniawan

Teddy Kurniawan


Have questions or need assistance?
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Lina Building, 2nd Floor Unit 211
JL. Rasuna Said Kav. B7
South Jakarta 12910 - Indonesia
At Braga Tech Office
Jl. Cilaki No.23, Bandung Wetan
Bandung City 40114 - Indonesia